Friday 4 April 2014

Blowing off the Dust....

Hi There!

I thought it was well past time to blow the dust off the old blog and post some new content. I've had several attempts to add posts as this year has progressed but circumstances have left them unfinished and in various states of 'draft-ness'. Writing in a blog like this can be a somewhat daunting task - what should one write about? How much information should one include (or leave out)? How can one make it as interesting as possible and (the big question) is it worth the effort to write it if nobody is actually going to read it?

One of the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People according to author Stephen Covey is to "Begin with the end in mind". Which begs the question - what is my intention here? What purpose does this blog fulfil and who is it actually for?

My intention is to share both my thoughts and my artistic output where anyone can see it. As a unique centre of awareness, a 'Thinker' and a Wizard I have my own suitably unique view on the world. Over the course of my life I have found many principles, affirmations, realisations and aphorisms which have been incredibly helpful and effective in allowing me to move through the course of life feeling pleased with who I am. I want to share some of these thoughts in the hope that they may be of use to others.

I have long held the desire to have a single place on the internet that could act as a repository for a sort of snapshot view into the world of one unknown Wizard. That is the purpose of this blog and as to the question of who it is for... I find myself wondering, does that really matter? I am a seven billionth of the total of humanity on this world yet I like to think the universe would be somehow incomplete were I not here. By putting my artwork, my visions and thoughts and conclusions out there into the World Wide Web it is perhaps merely my attempt to make a meaningful contribution to the world that has contributed so much to me. I am as insignificant as a grain of sand on a vast windswept beach. Perhaps by reflecting what colours and light I can, some passing awareness will perceive my sand grain as one of those brief sparkling motes that twinkle amidst the endless granules and contribute just a tiny touch of magic back to the world. If I must be a tiny speck at least let me strive to be a shiny one.

Will anyone read this? Is it worth the effort to write? Yes I will read it and it's worth the effort because someone else may read it and maybe the magic will spread. If I don't post it then most certainly nothing will happen. If I do, it might and that is ample reason enough for me


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