Friday 4 April 2014

A Day in the life....


What exactly does a Wizard do in his day to day life? Surely it's not all vanquishing dragons and summoning demons!  This Wizard, the person that I am is a visual being. I have always held a deep and abiding fascination for light in all it's myriad manifestations. Whilst it's not perhaps a strictly scientific view I subscribe to the general idea that everything is light in some way. A vibration, be it wave or particle or (more likely) something as yet still not understood, I like to think of light as energy in motion (something going somewhere)  and matter as energy that is essentially being still (energy going in very, very small circles).

Vision - the ability to perceive the visible parts of the spectrum as light and colour - is our facility for observing the interactions between energy in linear motion and energy in circular motion. Put more simply, light shines through, on, and off matter and our eyes 'see' it.

This photograph (taken last week in the meadow by the old railway line near our house) is an example. Sunlight shines through clouds and atmosphere and is absorbed and reflected by the matter that comprises the landscape.

Crepuscular rays (aka 'God-rays')
The combinations of the interactions of linear energy (light) and circular energy (matter) when observed through our perceptual filters is what creates magic - which is what Wizards (and Witches) do. A meteorologist observing this image might see cumulus clouds, a physicist might see crepuscular rays where an artist or visionary may see God-rays. An arborist may note the silhouetted eucalyptus trees. A photographer will note the use of the compositional Rule of Thirds and so on. Others folk will see other things dependant on their predispositions. A wizard (at least this Wizard) sees magic.

This process is utterly simple and simultaneously very difficult until one has acquired the skill of it.  Magic is everywhere for those with eyes to see it. Maybe this blog is about the perception or creation of magic? As the blogger I am quite interested to see what happens in the next post.....


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