Sunday 2 February 2014

It's been a long time...

...since I wrote anything interesting here! Seems a shame to spoil such a good run...... ;-)

I've been partaking in a protracted and fascinating spiritual conversation with a friend of mine in the States. My friend is a Christian and I am most definitely not!

This makes our ongoing discussion a bit difficult as we are both approaching the topic from very different world views. My friend (who I will refer to as MM) is a good natured and caring person who is (I suspect) somewhat concerned about the long-term future of my soul given that I am not about to accept his world view over my own personal views.

 MM's perspectives are (I believe) based on interpretations of whatever Bible his preferred denomination uses. Thus, when confronted with a spiritual question he is able to consult his preferred version of the Bible as well as seek backup from his fellow followers.

This approach tends to generate a set of fairly specific and superficial answers that are shaped by dogma and the shared interpretation of the flock. The result is a single formulaic answer which will suit many specific situations but not all.

 On the other hand, I seek the answers to my spiritual questions anywhere I can find them. The result here is a selection of possible answers which I can pick and choose from depending on the needs of the moment.

 This means that I do not have a single central source for spiritual guidance. I  can't go to a shared common source of information and say "check out chapter so and so, verse such and such" and derive an answer from that singular source.  So I am contemplating using this blog space as a repository for my own personal thoughts and concepts that I can refer others to.

With a central location for my spiritual thoughts and understandings I will be better equipped to respond to the written dogmas of other belief systems by having a written source of my own.

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