Friday 14 March 2014

Storm Chasing

Hello, greetings and welcome.

We have just been treated to a few days of superb Autumnal weather here in Wai-iti.  We've been treated to sunny skies, warm, mild breezes and gorgeous evenings as the Moon grows steadily towards being full.

This evening we had a simply beautiful sunset, red clouds reflecting an amazing light across the landscape which is all burnt and dry at the moment. The grass in the paddocks is pale brown and looks dead and many of the deciduous trees have started changing colour. With very little rain recently  we are having something of a drought. The combination of the dry foliage and the reflected red sunset light created a beautiful and otherworldly effect.

This too shall pass as the saying goes. Tropical Cyclone Lusi is wending its way down the North West coast of the North Island bringing heavy rains and high winds. The rain   will pour down on the parched earth and miraculously the grass will green up and spring back to life. Perfect conditions for staying home in the dry.

So of course we'll be driving 400 Kms to Christchurch! Dear friends there are about to get their earthquake damage finally repaired and they have generously donated their old carpets to us for use in our no-budget renovation project.

Furthermore, my dear Dad has lent us his car (which, unlike ours, has a tow ball) and my always generous and helpful Brother-in-law has lent us his big tandem axle trailer. We are aiming to leave early on Saturday morning and driving down to Chch and collecting the carpet before turning around and heading the 400 Kms back home again, hopefully before the cyclone arrives!

Whew! Should be an exciting and excellent adventure! If the weather forecast is accurate (they have a 63% accuracy rate here) we should be able to just sneak back home before the serious weather gets here. All going well (which of course it will) we'll be back safe and sound and hopefully we'll get some good photos too.

Till the next time....

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