Wednesday 11 July 2012

Who's that?

 The Wizard! Thinker,dreamer, musician, artist and now - blogger (amongst other things).
As I've literally just started this thing I haven't even completed my profile yet. I'll get to that shortly.

In the meantime I'm thinking of using this blog as an online diary and organising tool. Being somewhat creative I have a vast array of projects - some under way, others as yet unstarted - that I wish to complete. I hope that commiting myself to do this blog here will assist me to stay on track.

So, in the unlikely event that you are already feeling a strange magick complusion to find out more about me let me direct you to my website at where you can find much of my graphic art work and other info. That website is currently a little outdated - it's not been updated since 2009 - but one of the array of projects mentioned earlier is to revamp the site and add more current material (in conjunction with this blog of course).

There's enough material on the website to keep you entertained in the meantime. So I'll leave it here and go and edit my Blogger Profile.
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